What is the ICT investment review?

What is the ICT investment review?

The Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group (QGCDG) provides whole of government assurance over significant digital and ICT enabled initiatives to verify:

  • strategic whole of government and agency business alignment
  • that best practice is applied to ensure initiatives are planned for success
  • that initiatives represent wise investments; and
  • to identify potential for cross agency collaboration.

The ICT Investment review supplements existing agency governance arrangements with independent reviews at set points within the initiative lifecycle, complimenting initiative gated assurance reviews and presenting this to the Digital Economy Leaders Deputy Directors-General Sub-Group (DELSG / Deputy Directors-General Sub-Group) for review.

This process is also used where necessary to inform the Minister for Digital Economy and the Cabinet Budget Review Committee (CBRC) on noteworthy initiatives.

Which Queensland Government bodies are in scope for ICT investment review?

All Queensland Government departmental initiatives that meet one of the review triggers must participate in investment review. The review provides accountable officers with confidence that appropriate assurance is taking place and is highly recommended.

What timeframes apply for ICT investment review?

You should register your initiative as early as practicable. As soon as you’re able to answer all questions in the Assurance profiling tool you’re ready to register your initiative.

Once registered, you should allow for a minimum of 6-8 weeks to navigate the process for each review. Initiative submissions may require consideration by the Deputy Directors-General Sub-Group, so the outcome of the review process is tied to the frequency of their regular meetings.

The 6-8-week timeframe allows 2-4 weeks for assessment, and 2 weeks for the Deputy Directors-General Sub-Group process.

Why do we have an ICT investment review process?

The Queensland Government ICT Investment review:

  • streamlines and integrates governance arrangements
  • reviews and aligns ICT investments to support government strategic direction
  • ensures appropriate assurance is being applied
  • reduces the causes of project failure and delivers improved ICT outcomes through the application of independent gated reviews and segmented funding.

Good governance acknowledges that:

  • Directors-General are accountable for business delivery activities within their agency
  • Agency Chief Information Officers (CIOs) are accountable for ICT enabled business change within their agencies (including the assessment of assurance levels and alignment to strategy)
  • Senior Responsible Officers (SRO’s) and Project Executives are accountable for ensuring that initiatives are adequately assured.

Within this context, the investment review process aims to supplement existing governance arrangements with independent reviews at set points within the initiative lifecycle. This will ensure appropriate assurance is being applied and strategic and policy alignment occurs.

Additionally, the process supports increased visibility of the initiative outcomes, input requirements and potential multi-agency synergies.

Agencies are required to perform an assessment of initiatives against a set of pre-defined criteria and the extent of the additional governance provided by the Investment Review will be determined based upon the identified levels of business criticality and risk.


