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International Non-Binary People’s Day

Event information
When 14th Jul 2024 - 14th Jul 2024
12:00 am - 11:59 pm


The term “non-binary” describes someone who does not identify exclusively as a man or a woman. Non-binary people may identify as being both a man and a woman or as falling completely outside these categories. Many non-binary people also identify as transgender, though not all do.

This day provides an opportunity for Queensland Government employees to recognise that gender is a spectrum and to normalise it as such. You are encouraged to host activities including awareness and education within agencies about the distinction between sex and gender, developing a gender-neutral language guide to encourage the use of gender-neutral pronouns in agency communications and removing the requirement to identify exclusively male or female categories on documents such as surveys and forms.

Queensland Government employees can get involved by hosting morning teas, or contacting the LGBTIQ+ Steering Committee for information on webinars and online resources.

For information on how Queensland Government employees can get involved, subscribe to the Queensland Public Sector LGBTIQ+ and Ally Employee Network.

We support employees. #BeYou


Organiser: LGBTIQ+ Steering Committee