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Standard Format Plan Maintenance Webinar 2021

Body corporate and community management.

Duration 00:23:01 |

The 2 common types of survey plans for Community Titles Schemes in Queensland are building format plans (previously known as a building unit plan) and standard format plans (previously known as a group title plan).

Today’s webinar will focus on standard format plans. We will be discussing several key topics relating ;to standard format plans. These topics are:

  • standard format plan boundaries
  • maintenance responsibilities
  • exceptions to owner responsibility
  • standard format plan versus building format plan
  • the use of body corporate funds
  • supply of services
  • lot improvements
  • insurance in a standard format plan.

Please note that while there will be references to Standard Module sections throughout the presentation, the information in this webinar mostly applies to all the regulation modulesHowever, there are some differences if your body corporate is governed by the Two-lot Schemes Module, as there are no committees or general meetings. The body corporate under the Two-lot Schemes Module makes decisions by lot owner agreements.

It is not always clear whether maintenance is a body corporate responsibility ;or whether it is the responsibility of an individual owner. The general position is that common property maintenance is the responsibility of the body corporate, while maintenance of a lot is mostly the responsibility of an individual owner.

Therefore, a key question when working out who is responsible for maintenance is: what is common property and what is part of my lot?


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Human rights

Respect, protect, promote.

Duration 00:01:06 |

Human rights protect all of us, regardless of our race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status.

You see, these rights protect our freedom and allow us to go through life without fear of judgement or discrimination.

We all wants our rights protected, and respected. And make this possible, we need to look out and speak up for the rights of others. Everyone deserves care that is dignified and respectful.

People, just like you and me, deserve to know that we are welcome, safe and protected at times that we are often at out most vulnerable.

And as a community, we've all respect, protect and promote these rights.

Because human rights are for everyone, everywhere, every day.


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