RMS 2.4 Multiple resources joined into a single resource permanently

HTTP status: 301 Moved permanently

HTTP headers: Location (required)
The URL of the new location of the resource. In this situation the new location of the moved content may be represented using a fragment identifier (see example below).

HTML document (integration with CUE template)

The requested resource has been combined with another resource

An optional custom message can be included here.

You can proceed to the resource title.

Further assistance

Please contact us if you require further assistance with your request.

Example: A website contains individual pages about cats, dogs and fish. The site administrator decides to combine these three pages into a single page about pets.

The old URLs could be redirected as such:

  • http://example.com/cats/ to http://example.com/pets/#cats or just to http://example.com/pets/ if the content is not in defined sections
  • http://example.com/dogs/ to http://example.com/pets/#dogs or just to http://example.com/pets/ if the content is not in defined sections
  • http://example.com/fish/ to http://example.com/pets/#fish or just to http://example.com/pets/ if the content is not in defined sections