Advertise a role

Advertise a new or existing role on the Smart jobs and careers website, commercial job sites and newspapers.

Find out whether you need to advertise a vacancy.

In general, you do not need to advertise your vacancy where the role is:

  • entry level (AO1/2 or equivalent)
  • for 6 months or less
  • to be filled via transfer, redeployment, or secondment at or below level
  • to be filled using an order of merit for a recurring vacancy
  • casual (engaged on an hourly basis, irregular hours of work, no paid sick or annual leave).

If you're advertising multiple positions, contact QSS Recruitment to negotiate a suitable timeframe.


Online: ads are published on Smart jobs and careers and commercial job websites within 3 days (providing your documents are complete and correct).

Print: there is a Thursday 12pm deadline for ads to appear in print from Friday the following week. The ad will appear either midweek or on the weekend based on the paper's schedule. If you're advertising in a regional paper, contact us to confirm their print schedule.

Advertise on SmartJobs and careers

Smart Jobs and careers is the Queensland Government’s online job search page. There is an external and private version of this page.

How much will it cost?

The charge for advertising on Smart jobs and careers is included in QSS's customer recruitment retainer.

See our Service level agreement price list.

Advertise on other platforms

You can advertise on the following websites:

There are a number of metro and regional newspapers available for advertising. Contact QSS for the latest availability.

How much will it cost?

Once you submit a Request to hire form, QSS will provide you with a quote for your approval before placing the ad.

Using a non-standard ad

You can prepare an ad that doesn't use the standard Queensland Government job ad template.

If your ad is for:

  • the Courier Mail or Weekend Australian, you need approval from the Department of Premier and Cabinet
  • a regional role appearing only in a regional paper, you need approval from your agency.

If you receive the appropriate approvals and want to use a different banner, logo or photo, you must send this to QSS Recruitment as a JPG file.

You can use images and videos in your job advertisement to help attract candidates.

Add an image

To include an image in your job advertisement:

  1. Upload the image to a public internet site.
  2. Tell us in the Comments section of the Request to Hire form that you want to include an image and provide the URL to where the image is hosted.

We'll publish your vacancy on Smart Jobs and Careers with the image included.

Add a video

To include a video in your job advertisement:

  1. Upload the video to your agency's YouTube channel (don't allow comments).
  2. Copy the link from YouTube using the right-click Copy embed code option (or copy the URL for the video).
  3. Add the embed code or URL information to your Short description on the Media Options form.
  4. Tell us in the Comments section of the Request to Hire form that a video is included in the Short description section of the advertisement.

We'll publish your vacancy on Smart Jobs and Careers with the video included.

Image and video URL character limit

URLs are included in the job advertisement short description character limit (900 characters). If you need help shortening your URL, contact QSS Recruitment.

To advertise a new or existing role you will need to complete the Request to hire form. This form can't be saved and will time out after 2 hours. Use this checklist to ensure you have everything you need to complete the form before you start.


I've checked my latest establishment report or asked my HR team to confirm:

  • the role exists
  • its title and classification
  • the position number
  • the role status: permanent, temporary, casual or contract
  • location in the organisation structure
  • hours and location of work.

I know why the vacancy exists.

I know the role type: flexible, flexible full-time, flexible part-time, full-time, part-time, non-standard hours.

I have reviewed my organisation’s Reframing the relationship and Equity and diversity plans and determined how this role addresses the requirements

I've checked the role description:

  • is complete and on my agency's current template
  • encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds and lived experience to apply.
  • offers assistance or adjustments to applicants to ensure inclusion.
  • allows me to copy and paste from it.

I know who the ad will appear for on Smart jobs and careers:

  • the general public and Queensland Government employees
  • Queensland Government employees only.

I know if I'm advertising on a commercial job website (e.g. Seek) as well as Smart jobs and careers.

I know if I'm advertising on the Queensland Government careers website.

I know if I'm advertising on a job website targeting specific diversity groups.

If advertising on a commercial job website, I know the location to show my ad: Brisbane, other QLD, other locations.

I know if I'm advertising in a newspaper and which paper:

  • A regional or suburban newspaper because the role is located in that area.
  • A community paper (e.g. Koori Mail).
  • The Courier Mail, Weekend Australian or an interstate metropolitan paper. These require Director-General or equivalent approval.

I know the cost centre, internal order or WBS for this vacancy. Invoices for external websites or press advertising will be forwarded to your agency for payment.

I know if I'm advertising the role as a continuous applicant pool (advertise the role continuously with no closing date).

I know if the role is targeted to:

  • public sector employees
  • employees of a specific government agency or
  • applicants who identify with specific diversity groups as outlined by the agency’s Reframing the relationship and Equity and diversity plans.

I know if the role requires a particular attribute that is a genuine occupational requirement.

I know the contact details of the:

  • chair of the selection panel (we'll use these contact details internally to help us administer the advertising and recruitment process)
  • contact person for applicants (we'll provide these details to candidates, for example in the job ad, and in any correspondence we provide such as unsuccessful outcome or delay notifications)
  • person who will approve advertising the role.

I've decided if I'm using a questionnaire to help shortlist candidates.

I've completed the Media options form—you must attach it to the Request to hire form.

You can print the checklist using the Print icon above.

Do next

Manage job applications